Are you struggling to find a podcast that talks your homebuilding language – and – keeps your attention? Trying to find one that is not just someone blowing smoke and trying to sound important?
I think that Feed Me Your Construction Content may be just the thing for you to check out. Husband and wife team, Josh and Carolyn McMahon teamed up to revive this podcast after the first run met the fate that many podcasts do (including mine). Things got in the way, and the original Team put it on the back burner.
But I think the revival was so refreshing and just what it needed.
Now – full disclosure – I’m friends with Josh and Carolyn, and I thought I should put this out there so you can immediately put up you “BS” guard. After all, you may say to yourself, a friend is going to say only good things. And, while there may be some merit to that thought, I challenge you to take a listen for yourself.
The fact that the two are married AND working together leads to conversations that are just downright entertaining. Conversations that you don’t get when you have only “business partners” talking. Yes – one of them will sometimes get in trouble with the other and end up in the doghouse (ok – it’s mostly Josh, but married guys know that’s our fate). And that’s what makes the content that much more fun.
Both of them are professionals in the homebuilding industry already. Josh works as a Vice President for a regional custom Home Builder (and is part of the Executive Board of his HBA), and Carolyn works in the Design Center for a different Home Builder. To make things more interesting, they have also launched their own custom homebuilding business together (McMahon Custom Homes) that sprang to life as they build a home for themselves.
Mix that all together and you have a pair that can take on issues Home Builders face every day – all from different angles! That’s a unique offering that most podcasts hosts can’t deliver.
Couple this with the fact that they have great “radio voices” and just sound like they’re having fun. I love it when podcasters don’t take themselves too seriously and are open about that fact.
Available on all of your favorite podcast apps, take the time to listen to a few episodes. And if you do – let me know what you think in the comments – OR – let me know which is your favorite episode!
If you want a direct link to their little corner of the podcast world on Apple Podcasts – you can use the button below!