Well, hello there! I’m so happy you found this site. Allow me to introduce myself and tell you what you can expect by visiting.
My name is Brad Haubert, and I’ve been in this incredible homebuilding industry since 1993 – when I joined the family homebuilding business right out of college.
As a recent college graduate, I thought I knew everything about the business world – and – since I grew up around the industry, I figured I knew a good bit about it. It didn’t take long to find out how little I knew (in BOTH business AND homebuilding). One of my first tasks was coding invoices – and I had no idea what I was looking at.
How the heck was I supposed to know where those costs were to go?!? And what did coding invoices have to do with anything?
Since that time, I’ve advanced through various jobs in the industry. As an employee (and later owner) of regional semi-custom homebuilding companies, I’ve touched every function: Sales, Accounting, Purchasing, Construction Scheduling, Land Development and Warranty.
I’ve seen both the good and the bad in the industry – watching boom times and the Great Recession of the 2,000’s. As of today, I’ve managed the construction of over 1,000 new homes.
I don’t tell you this to impress you. I just wanted you to know that I intimately understand the industry. And it was time for me to “give back.” Consider this site my gift to the industry!
But – enough about me. I’m not the focus of this site. YOU are!
WelcomeToHomeBuilding is meant to be an industry site where you can come and learn more and improve both yourself and your company. It’s meant to be a site that keeps things simple.
Three Guiding Principles are the basis of articles and posts:
- Content must be educational and/or useful to those in the homebuilding industry.
- Content must NOT be boring.
- Content must NOT be sales-y.
That’s it! Pretty simple, huh?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy (and share with your colleagues). And I hope you’ll drop me a line if you have any ideas or ways that this site can improve and be useful to you. You can contact me at any time at: brad@bradhaubert.com. I read and respond to my own emails (yeah – I’m not fancy enough to have “people” to do that).
Here’s to your learning and improvement! 😊