A few months back, the folks at Moasure provided me with one of their devices (complete with stick) to try out and report my thoughts on it. And that’s exactly what I did – sharing my posts on my LinkedIn profile.
I shared several videos and posts on why someone in the homebuilding industry might consider putting that old tape measure on the shelf and – instead – start using the device that is probably in your hands more often than previously-mentioned tape measure. Um, that’s your cellphone, folks.
Videos are great, but sometimes I just like to put down in writing what I’ve seen. And I hope you’ll like this post.
When it comes to measurring things with the device, you will have several options from which to choose.
If you’re new to the device/app combo (or considering one), I’m going to break down these measuring options and give you my thoughts on how these could best be used for homebuilding.
Now, I’ve been using the Moasure 2 PRO (which has a few more measurement options than the Moasure 2), so if you don’t have the PRO, you won’t see some of the options I review.
What’s the Difference Between the Moasure 2 and Moasure 2 PRO?
And why are there 2 versions anyway?
See – I know what you’re thinking!
You’re probably used to seeing different versions of your cellphone (think iPhone ## vs. iPhone ## Pro and that lightbulb in your head will probably go off). Moasure devices are similar in their design.
Both the Moasure 2 and Moasure 2 PRO measure electronically between the device and the app using next generation motion-based measuring technology.
The Moasure 2 PRO includes a few more features (including “Layout Mode”) and is even more accurate than the standard Moasure 2.
The 2 PRO version is accurate to +/- .3% vs. +/- .5% accurate in the standard version. And with accuracy that, um, accurate, I don’t think you can go wrong with either device.
The folks at Moasure give you the easiest way to compare the two in a simple comparison chart on their website.
Let’s jump into the Measurement Types and review how they can be used in homebuilding.
Inside the Moasure App
When you fire up both your device and the app, you use a simple “+” button at the bottom of the app to start a new measurement.
When you do that, you’re given the option to choose between five different Measurement Types (shown in this graphic – and, remember, this screen coincides with the Moasure 2 PRO).
Below, I’m going to explain a little bit more about each one of these Measurement Types and give you some “best uses” for each as it pertains to homebuilding.
Let’s do this!

Closed Shape
The Closed Shape Measurement Type is probably the easiest type for Home Builders to understand – and – I think the Measurement Type that will be used most often in this incredible industry.
EXAMPLE: Let’s say you want to get an idea of the size of an infill building lot and you have some property pins marked by others.
Simply use the Moasure Device and App to walk from pin to pin and the lot shape will auto-magically appear as you go!
You might be thinking, “Yeah – but – I can get that from a plat plan. So, what’s the big idea?”
Well, first, a plat plan is not always available (and you may not even have pins, but only a good idea of what/where the property corners are). Sellers don’t always want to spring for a survey when they go to sell (no judgment here…you don’t always want to pay for a survey before you buy).
The magic really comes from the information that you get while you’re measuring this space. You’re getting – in real time – the following information:
- Perimeter Lines
- Area Calculations
- Changes in Lot Elevation
- Distances to Items of Interest (hello underground boulder that is sticking out)
AND – you can even walk around things in your way without messing up your measurement (existing treelines, etc.).
You can even take this information and send it to others in PDF or CAD form – right from your phone before you leave the site! Catch some of those videos on my LinkedIn to see how I did this.

Open Shape
In those times when you don’t need to complete a full shape, you will want to choose the Open Shape Measurement Type.
EXAMPLE: You need to calculate measurements for the community requirements of rear fences.
Again, you might think “Yeah – I can pull that off of a plat plan, too.”
And I would say that you could – but – just because it looks good on paper doesn’t mean that it’s going to work out correctly in person.
You don’t always see things like:
- True grade/elevation changes (because things change with grade from the preliminary plat plan and when neighboring houses get sited and built).
- Existing fences from houses built that mean you don’t need as much as you might think you do from a printed plat plan.
And you’ll often find things on the site that you just can’t account for on those plat plans (utility boxes, encroachments that happened when others have moved in, etc.).
Measure in person with the Moasure Device and send that info straight to your customer, your draftsperson, or even your Fence Contractor. The folks at Moasure have made this super easy!

Layout (Moasure 2 PRO Only)
One of Moasure’s newest Measurement Types is Layout. This Type takes the two mentioned above to the next level!
EXAMPLE: Let’s say you have a deed that lays out the boundaries of a lot – but – you don’t have an official plat plan created by a licensed surveyor.
This is a time when you can pull out your Moasure 2 PRO and layout the lot yourself. NOTE: I’m not going to tell you that this can/should replace using a licensed Surveyor to do this – but – there are times when you want something that is so close without forking out the dollars first (hello accuracy within .3%).
If you’re a bit leery about laying out the lot – but – you have the property corner pins already set by that licensed Surveyor, consider using the Layout Measurement Type to do one of the following:
- Stake off the Setback lines (or any that have fallen down after the excavator knocked them down while digging the foundation).
- Stake off the house outer perimeter (of course, you could use the Closed Shape Measurement Type, too).
- Stake off future-planned items for your Home Buyers so they can imagine what things might look like (I’m thinking things like swimming pools, etc.)
Essentially, you get to input coordinates (either manually or via import) and the app will guide you to those coordinates to drive a stake into the ground.
Pretty cool, huh?!?

Point to Point
The Point to Point Measurement Type is a simple measurement that is best used for going from one place to another – especially if you want to try to show elevation changes.
EXAMPLE: You have that on-site meeting with a customer who is thinking of buying a lot.
They say, “We really like that this is a flat lot.” But your Home Builder-Spidey senses already know that looks can be deceiving when in a big open area, and you know there’s more of a grade change than they realize.
Typically, you’d grab your clunky transit and make the customer go stand at a point towards the back of the lot and hold the big plastic measuring pole (because you don’t want to pay your laborer to stand there when they have a house to clean up).
Then – as the customer gets mad about getting their shoes muddy, you:
- Spend 15 minutes setting up the transit.
- Take about two minutes to get your eyes acclimated to the sunlight without your sunglasses on AND squinting through the transit scope ultimately locating the customer and the measuring stick.
- You take a few minutes more to calculate the grade change (while needing to tell the customer to quit moving, etc.).
- For maximum effect, you stretch a string (or long tape measure) from your location to the customer – trying to keep it level in the process.
- You explain that the lot is – in fact – NOT flat, but falls off by 6′.
- If the customer understands, they are now deflated knowing that they can’t put a nice flat swimming pool right off the Primary Bedroom walkout door. Now, they’ll need a deck and steps.
- OR they don’t remember this whole incident months later and insist that YOU told them it was a flat lot. And they want [insert wacky demand here].
- Oh – and they want new shoes, too. Dang mud!
Instead, pull out your Moasure 2 Device and app. Do these measurements yourself (while the customer sits in their warm car sipping warm coffee and watching you get muddy). Then, send them a PDF showing the elevation changes in either 2-Dimension OR 3-Dimension.
Better yet, send that to your draftsperson or surveyor and have them show the grade lines of the house and showing how the lot is NOT flat (and have the Customer sign-off on that).

Elevation changes happen. But sometimes you need to calculate an actual angle in degrees instead of just elevation changes.
EXAMPLE: I think this could really be used to show your Customers the expected slope of their driveway – especially when you get that call right after the foundation has been set BUT the backfill hasn’t been done.
That’s typically when a Customer calls in a panic. It always looks like the foundation is so much higher than the street – sticking out a few feet with no dirt around it.
Buyers would typically want to meet on the lot to express their concerns – not wanting to hear or believe that it’s not as extreme as it looks right now.
You can pull out the Moasure Device and:
- Measure from the back of the curb line to the back of the public sidewalk first.
- Measure from the back of the public sidewalk to the garage floor height
You can create and send those elevations to your Customer right from the app (and ask them to sign off) – or – simply show them that it’s not nearly as bad as they think.
Then, if they insist they want a “flat driveway,” do your best to explain that they really don’t – and – that they need some slope to get water away from the house.
I hope this post gave you insight into the Measurement Types available in the Moasure 2 App – and – gave you some great ideas for how you can use this in your homebuilding business.
AND – if you are already using Moasure in your homebuilding business, I’d love to hear the different ways you’ve found to streamline your construction activities using the device/app combo. Just drop me a line at brad@bradhaubert.com and let me know!